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world literature series- KIM


by English helper 2020. 3. 22. 17:26


It is the first British to win the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1907. It is the representative work of Rudd Kipling. The Nobel Committee awarded Kipling the prize and gave the following reasons for his selection "Among many Kipling's works, 'Kim' deserves special attention. No matter how immature an observer may be, one can instantly recognize his absolutely unique powers of observation, namely his ability to bring back to life even the smallest detail of everyday life with surprising accuracy. The power of his amazing imagination conveys to us not only the mimicry of nature, but also the vision of his own inner consciousness. He is now compared to Charles Dickens. But he's always original and the power of his imagination doesn't seem to run out." In addition to "The Jungle Book" and "Kim," which are considered representative works, Kipling is a writer who enjoyed wide popularity in his time, including short stories and poems about Indian or colonial soldiers. However, in the 1950s to 70s, when literary criticism was prevalent, which separated literary works from social and historical contexts, his literature, which deals with the colonial situation of India, is consumed only by children's literature, but after the 1980s, his literary work not only reflects reality, but also creates a real world, and he becomes an English literature writer who represents the 20th century.

'Kim' is a new type of story that is both adventurous and meditative. The character setting, "Rama Seung (old man)," which symbolizes the mature Eastern spiritual world, and "white (boy)," which symbolizes the physical dynamism of the lively West, is highly symbolic. At first, Kim suffers from confusion, pondering about his identity, but he gradually accepts and acknowledges his image. Through mutual communication, not only Kim but also Ramasung forms a spiritual cat. As is the case with great works, "Kim" has many levels of literary appeal. At the time of its publication, it was popular as an interesting spy novel or thriller novel, and was understood as a meticulous political novel when literary criticism began to take place. However, in the course of rediscovery of Eastern values in Western society since the 1960s, the book was finally accepted as an "out-of-date work" and was later re-evaluated as a work that saw through the charms of the East. The novel details the Indians Kim meets while traveling, their thoughts, and the Indian windmills, which clearly give the work a great appeal.

a plot
Kim, an Irish boy born and raised in India, enjoys the power to bully his peers because he is an orphan, or just white. One day, after learning of Ramasung, who traveled from Tibet to India on a pilgrimage, Kim becomes his disciple and sets out together On the journey, Kim participates in the espionage activities of the British colonial government, named "The Big Game," and also receives school education with the help of some British cleric. In the ending of the novel, Ramasung finds the river of enlightenment with the help of Kim and makes his conquest.

Introduction of Writers-Rudied Kipling
In 1865, he was born in Mumbai, India as the son of painter and scholar John Lockwood Kipling. Having moved to England at the age of six and attended school, he returned to Lahore, India, where he worked as a newspaper reporter, and published his first collection of poems and several short stories. From 1889 to the following year, he crossed the Pacific, the United States and the Atlantic Ocean through East Asia before settling in London, England. In the 1890s, short stories and poems based on travel and experiences gained from living in India began to become popular. Some of the representative works include novels "The Jungle Book," "Kim," and poetry collection "The Descendants of the barracks." He became the first English-speaking writer to win the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1907 and also the youngest ever to win the Gordonburg Prize in 1934 in collaboration with Yates. He died on January 18, 1936, at the age of 71, and his body was buried in Westminster Abbey after cremation.

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